Whether running a country or a small household, we need a have a budget in hand and a good budget is one that has a column for savings. You may think, that even meeting ends sometimes is becoming tougher by the day, how can we save? The fact is you would never have enough to save. Yet, you have to keep that money aside that you have decided.

While buying, many of us become impulsive and tend to go overboard, ending up buying things that we could very well do without. By the end of the month there is nothing left in hand to save. Well, it’s not about how much you are earning; it’s about where you are choosing to spend that money! Pause for a moment before buying and think if you really need what you have put in that cart.

How many of those 30 minutes pizza delivery you ordered last month? Or those sudden dine out plans? Or that irresistible sale on your favorite online store? Have you ever calculated the total amount you spend on these small things? And you thought these happen once in a while? Well, without a budget planned you may end up loosing all you earn, before you even know it.

If you ever track down such expenses, you would be shocked to see that they sum up for a major chunk of your income without you realizing it.

Meeting ends every month without much struggling doesn’t mean your finance is sorted. What if any emergency situation crops up? Or that desire, that dream of yours that you have been suppressing. Did you know that you would not have to give up on these small moments of happiness or the big dream either only if you have a budget planned you act upon it. Budget is not for saving; rather it’s for spending right.

When you really want something badly and you know you can afford it, what do you do? Though it is difficult to let go, but if your budget did not have room for this, try the ‘Rule of 21’. It is that you just postpone the purchase for 21 days. At the end of the tenure, if your urge remains the same, go buy it; if not, then you must know that you didn’t need it at that moment.

Planning a budget for you is taken care of by Seeman Fiintouch LLP. Once you have a budget planned, it is very important that you stick to it. You’ll either find a Way, else an Excuse!!

Well, it’s always easier said than done. Going strictly by the budget, at the beginning, might seem hard to keep up with. Don’t push yourself much; take small steps but be regular. We at Seeman Fiintouch LLP are working to keep you motivated.


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Ashis Kumar Dey

Managing Partner, Seeman Fiintouch LLP

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