Stocks & Equities

The most familiar and frequent handle that common people use to invest in the stock market is Equity shares. What plays a major role here is the hope of earning high returns that stocks have historically offered. Equity investing is a business of purchasing stock in companies. Sometimes they are purchased directly; at times these equities are bought from another investor, with the expectation of earning dividends or reselling them later for a capital gain.

Difference between Shares and Equity

The equity of the company refers to Capital invested by the Owners of the Company and Profit accumulated by the company during the tenure of business which is also called Reserves and Surplus. Equity is also called the net worth of the company. In accounting language, Equity is the value of assets that are left after paying off the Liabilities.

When owners of the company do not have sufficient funds, they go to the public for raising the money. The amount of money that is to be invested is divided into portions. This portion is called Share. When we go to the dictionary meaning of share, it is “have a portion of (something)” Likewise Shares of the company are a division of the capital of the company into various portions.


Equity = Assets - Liabilities
It is shown at the Liability side of the Balance sheet. And, it always carries a credit balance. At the same time, preparation of Financials Statements of Business, capital contribution by owners, and profits are written differently according to the formation of Business. If Business is in the form of Private Limited Company or Public Limited Company “Equity” is written. In the case of Partnership Firms and Proprietorships, it is written as “Capital”. The Equity of the Company consists of: Shareholder’s Equity and Reserves and Surplus (For Example, Profit and Loss Reserves, Security Premium Reserve, Capital Reserves, Retained Earnings, etc.) Every Owner of the business invests in his company for the expansion of the business. When a company requires more for expansion, it can bring equity on its own, or it can go to the Public for raising the money. People who invest in the company become Shareholders of the company. Shareholders of the company are also called as the Owners of the company as they have invested in companies like owners. And, as owner’s they share the Profit and Loss of the company also. In the balance sheet, it is written as “Shareholder’s Equity”. “Reserves and Surplus” is the second component of Equity. Reserves and Surplus is profit accumulated by the business for various purposes. All profit is allocated according to specific reserves. This is used for business in the future. This is also one of the components of Equity. If we are talking about the Equity of a Company, we are talking about the shareholders’ equity and Reserves and Surplus it has. The Equity can be Positive Equity, or it can be Negative Equity. Positive Equity means a company has sufficient Assets to repay its all Liabilities. Negative Equity means a company has Liabilities more than its Assets. Whenever there is negative equity, it does not give a good sign of the company’s growth.


Let’s take an example for understanding; there is a Company named as ABC Limited, it needs the capital of Rs. 100 Crores for expansion. It will go to the public for raising the capital. The capital of ABC is divided into 1,000,000 shares of Rs. 1000 each amounting to Rs. 100 Crores. So, if a person wants to invest, he has bought from 1,000,000 shares at a rate of Rs. 1000 each. Let us say Mr X wants to invest Rs. 500,000/- in the company, for this he has to buy 500 shares of Rs. 1000 each. Let’ say Mr. Y buy 700 shares of Rs. 1000 each which means that Mr. Y is having shares of Rs.700,000. Here, Mr. X & Mr. Y become the shareholders of the company, and they will share the Profit and Loss of the company proportionate to their holdings.
From this example, it is clear that Shares is a division of Capital. There are various types of Shares Company can issue for raising capital like Ordinary Shares, Preference Shares, Redeemable shares, non-redeemable shares, Cumulative Preference shares, etc.

Comparison Chart

Equity Shares
Capital invested in the business Division of equity into portions
No categories or types Types are: Ordinary, Preference, Redeemable, etc
Equity = Assets - Liabilities Shares= (Assets-Liabilites-Reserve & Surplus)
Equity means addition of Shareholder's Equity + Reserve & Surplus Shareholder's Equity only

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