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Income Tax Planning & Solution

In India, we are actually not accustomed to the concept of tax culture. Despite numerous efforts have been made to streamline the tax system, nothing had been much fruitful. In fact, the number of taxpayers in our country, which is around 82.7 million people, makes for only 6.25 percent of the 132 plus crore population of our country.

The Finance Act, 2020 has also introduced a new optional tax regime for Individual and HUF

Tax is payable on income upto Rs. 2.5 Lakhs annually


Regardless to which tax category you belong to, at Seeman Fiintouch LLP we are ready with a solution for you.

Annual Earning (in Lakhs) Annual Taxation (%)
5 - 7.5 10
7.5 - 10 15
10 - 12.50 20
12.50 - 15 25
15 and above 30

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Ashis Kumar Dey

Managing Partner, Seeman Fiintouch LLP

Phone: +91-94334-57496

Calling Hours:
Monday – Friday: 10.00AM to 6PM
Saturday: 10AM to 2PM

Sunday Closed

Grievance Contact:

Grievance Executive – 8100881627
Grievance Officer – 9433457496.