It is because you see important things in life, such as education, marriage, retirements, etc. coming from time to time, you prepare for them. But emergencies show up without a notice. Starting from sudden loss or damage of your smart phone, without which your life becomes standstill now, up to loss of job or unforeseen health conditions or any other trauma, it can get you off your track and pose a huge challenge in front of you. A fund kept aside for such occasions can take your back at such adverse times.

Since saving account is less restricted, it is more vulnerable to occasional outburst of your shopping spree or maybe a vacation urge, thus leaving you with less than good amount in case of emergency.

Financial Assets, which might be keeping aside for some other plans, should not be mixed up with an emergency fund. Financial Assets being easy to withdraw, many a times, we tend to grab on them if there is a dire need. But this is not a good practice. Do not cater to your present at the cost of your future.


What you save in the name of emergency, should be separate and handy. If not some financial assets, if not a savings account, then how should this one look like? Well, the answer is Liquid Fund. It’s a new age tool and by far the best to build that emergency fund for you. Like a savings account, it is easy to deposit and withdraw but gives better return than your savings account. It must equal to your monthly expenses for 3-6 months. How to save this? Well, Seeman Fiintouch LLP is here to assist you with the job. You set up auto-transfers every month to this liquid fund till you hit the target, for instance. At the time of need, you will be glad you saved the money.

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Ashis Kumar Dey

Managing Partner, Seeman Fiintouch LLP

Phone: +91-94334-57496

Calling Hours:
Monday – Friday: 10.00AM to 6PM
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